Scottish finance expert shares wisdom for future generations

Max HorneMax Horne
Max Horne
A financial expert from Fife wants to help a generation of young Scots learn how to better manage their money.

Max Horne, who has recently sold a very successful financial planning practice in Dunfermline, is sharing the knowledge he has accrued during his 40-year career in The Money Instruction Book.

The first-time author is on what he sees as a very important mission to help young adults become better prepared in handling money for their future.

“This book is an important learning tool – no financial education of any type is presently taught in UK schools,” he says.

The Money Instruction BookThe Money Instruction Book
The Money Instruction Book

“It should definitely be on the curriculum, or else we risk raising a generation of young people who are going to continue to struggle to gain financial independence.

“Nowadays, if they don’t reach a good credit rating as they get older, they won’t be able to borrow money or own their own homes: it’s as simple as that.”

Recent statistics show that 16 to 25 year olds in the UK are the most in debt they have ever been, particularly for phone debt – and with the average age of first-time homeowners rising to 30, it’s clear that young people today need a bit of decent money instruction.

Max, one of the country’s top financial advisors, has used his extensive experience to create an easy-to-digest guide to money management for 16 to 18 year olds when they leave home; whether they are off to attend university or going out into the working world to take on their first proper jobs, he wants to make sure they are prepared and are not tempted by pay-day loans or other quick-fix solutions.