Mount Stuart Visual Arts Programme - Martin Boyce

East Elevation Lawn Front

Mount Stuart house & groundsEast Elevation Lawn Front

Mount Stuart house & grounds
East Elevation Lawn Front Mount Stuart house & grounds
Mount Stuart Trust has announced a solo exhibition by Martin Boyce this summer, from May 25 - November 18.

Boyce presents a major outdoor commission in the landscaped grounds of Mount Stuart. Inspired by the memory of a tennis court long since dismantled, his ongoing interest in abandoned and disused spaces is awakened.

The court is close to fiction, undocumented, a relic from the 1970’s. The artist reconsiders and recomposes the structure.

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He said: “Over the years I’ve photographed a number of abandoned or disused tennis courts and I’ve collected similar images from books or cut from magazines.

“There is something fascinating about this rectangle of chain link fence that at once demarcates one place from another, one delineated use or activity from another.

“Equally fascinating is how over time this idea of use can shift, from organised tennis games to more improvised versions of play to, in a state of disrepair, a place to meet and hangout. It is this in between state that interests me.”