Letter: Cost of energy

Brian Wilson makes two mistakes in his critique (13 July) of SNP energy policy in Scotland. One is to suppose that energy policy is devolved.

The SNP government does no more than ride the waves of UK energy policy.

The other is to suppose that viability of energy development in Scotland depends on the Union when in fact it depends on a commonality of interest in meeting emissions targets.

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Earlier this week, when the energy white paper was published, the UK government also published the UK Renewable Energy Roadmap.

In the introductory chapter an All Islands (co-operative) Approach is described. It was agreed last month at a British Irish Council and applies to the British islands and Ireland. On independence, will we be excluded?

On one matter I share Mr Wilson's concern.

A recent estimate from Ernst and Young for the Committee on Climate Change puts the cost of new nuclear below the expected costs of carbon capture and storage in coal-fired stations - and below the cost of wind!

If that turns out to be robust - and then correct, the Scottish Government will need to revisit its opposition to new nuclear stations in Scotland.

Norman Lawrie

Newton Port

Haddington, East Lothian