Letter: Health check

I WRITE regarding the article, "Lower cholesterol could help fight viruses" (9 March).

Unfortunately, it contains the statement: "drugs such as antibiotics are used to fight infections" without making it clear that antibiotics are useful only against bacteria, and have no effect on viruses.

As the NHS is constantly reminding us, we should not request antibiotics for viral conditions such as flu, as they are ineffective. Indeed, it is excessive prescription of antibiotics that is contributing to antibiotic resistance.

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The new treatment discussed in the article will have little effect on antibiotic resistance if it is primarily designed to work with viruses.

As a biology teacher who spends a great deal of time clearing up student misconceptions regarding the use and effectiveness of antibiotics, it concerns me that this article serves to muddy the waters further.

(Dr) J Lynes

Hawthorn Terrace


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