Letter: Insane deaths

If you thought a zoo was a safe place for a healthy animal to be, you would be utterly wrong. Edinburgh Zoo put to sleep two piglets for no other reason but to comply with the rules of the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria, whose spokesman was quoted as saying: "It's very difficult for the public to understand the reasoning behind this decision. but the piglets were considered to be not genetically useful."

I am sure that the public do not understand why this cruel act was carried out. I would also question whether the vet that carried out the dastardly deed is a fit and proper person to be a vet, given that he carried out this act for such a pathetic reason.

No opinion was sought from the public as to possible other solutions. The fact that the piglets were an endangered species makes the decision taken insane, to say the least.

Robert Finlay

Greenmount Drive

Burntisland, Fife

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