Letter: Point of law

I AM afraid that both Alex Orr and J Morrison (Letters, 9 July) have completely misunderstood my proposal for a legal principle of internal non-discrimination.

My proposal is that all public bodies in the UK (including the Scottish Parliament and the assemblies) should be prevented from discriminating against people from other parts of Britain.

To take higher education as an example: if the Scottish Government chooses to have no fees for Scottish students in our universities, then it should likewise have to no fees for students from other parts of Britain.

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Similarly, to take J Morrison's example, if there are fees for English students in English universities, then the fees for Scottish students there should be no higher. Furthermore, this legal principle would still be needed, even if there was no Scottish Parliament, as there would still be a great many quangos and other public bodies in Scotland.


Inveralmond Grove

Cramond, Edinburgh