Letter: Retail reality

THE SNP is proposing a retail levy, an increase in business rates paid by large retailers. This would raise £30 million, 90 per cent of which would come from the largest supermarkets.

It would inject much-needed cash into local services and give small retailers in areas such as Broughty Ferry a more level playing field, as well as helping keep our town centre viable.

Unsurprisingly, both Labour and the Conservatives oppose this measure, without stating where they would cut services or raise the money. This isn't too surprising when we remember that Lord Sainsbury, of supermarket fame, served as a minister in the last Labour government and donated more than 10m to the party in recent years. Prior to that, former Asda chairman Archie Norman was a Conservative MP and government minister.

It seems Labour and the Tories would rather working folk paid more in council tax than their rich business backers contribute a little more to society.

Kevin Cordell

Broughty Ferry


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