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While the news that local authorities are still going to have to place public information notices in local newspapers might be welcomed by the industry, it is only a temporary respite. The actual amount of money might make the difference to the viability of some local newspapers but the real problem is the other advertising.

The internet and computing have revolutionised the publishing industry.

The real problem is that other advertising is disappearing. Aside from the reductions caused by the recession, classified advertising and other staples such as motor, employment and property advertising have migrated to the internet. In addition, circulations, according to latest figures, are falling across the industry with some magazines and newspapers down as much as 50 per cent.

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It is unlikely that the public information notice advertising is going to sustain many local newspapers for long. The internet had 70 per cent penetration at household level at the start of 2010 and nearly all schools and libraries have full broadband.

The upcoming generation are more used to getting information and news online.



Wester Ross