Services ill-served

As one of the marchers on Armed Forces Day in Edinburgh on Saturday, I would like to raise some concerns about how I feel we, as veterans, have been unfairly treated by the council.

Firstly, in the last two years (including this year) we, the armed forces veterans, seemed to have been shunted into the back door entry to Princes Street Gardens via King’s Stables Road.

Why have we, as vets, been stopped from parading at the Castle Esplanade and marching down the High Street towards the gardens? Is the council embarrassed by the vets?

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Secondly, in the past two years when we have met up with former colleagues, we like to swap stories, perhaps over a beer or two, but again there is no refreshment tent to enjoy this.

Subsequently, there was an exodus of veterans meeting up with others at various bars throughout the city centre.

Please don’t say it is because of licensing laws. If the council can put a large tent up in the middle of George Street for all the beautiful people during the Festival, why not a “Spiegeltent” in the gardens for the veterans and their families and/or friends.

We are former service personnel, not hooligans, and we know how to behave.

My last point is to ask who authorised an Orange walk, a gay pride march and an Armed Forces Day parade all on the same day, stretching the police to an intolerable level?

Lastly, if the council is embarrassed by the veterans, why not say so and we can de-camp next year to Glasgow, as a large contingent of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards did this year?

I hear they were extremely well received by the Glasgow Council.

Eddie Maley

Queen’s Own Highlanders Association


West Lothian